Art Program

God has gifted some inmates with art talent. In many cases it is hidden !! It has been said, "When we make art, we become the art we are making . . . it’s kind of a circle!!!” In other words, the inmate artist works on the art and the art works on the inmate.

Art encourages self-expression, reduces anger and frustration, helps to control aggression, combats depression and helps to heal ones brokenness. Most important, however, it gives the inmate the realization and appreciation of God’s gift of talent to him and boosts the inmate's self esteem.

Sculpture of Jesus's head, created by an inmate in the art program.
"Ball Field" Clay
Another sculpture of Jesus's head, created by an inmate in the art program.
"Prison Soap"
Black man in a tuxedo and top-hat.
Painting of Jesus in a pastoral setting holding a crook and guiding a flock of sheep.
Inmate sketch of Frederick Douglas. Inmate sketch of pretty asian woman. Inmate sketch of glamorous black woman.